Day 4: Body Scan

Today’s preparation involves two tasks:

  1. Task 1: Practice the body scan exercise (11 minutes)

  2. Task 2: Complete a few short reflections in your journal (5 minutes)


Today we want to introduce you to another tool that you might find useful, by guiding you through a Body Scan. You will focus your attention onto different parts of your body. This may serve as a useful grounding tool, especially after your DMT experience, as it can help you process any physical or emotional sensations that may have arisen during the experience.

Body scanning involves sitting or lying comfortably while paying attention to the sensations in different parts of the body. By mentally scanning your body in this way, you bring awareness to different parts, noticing any subtle sensations as well as any tension or discomfort.

Sensations are anything that you feel and notice in the body, like tingling, cramping, tightness, heat, coolness, buzzing, pulsing, itching, throbbing, or numbness.

The idea behind a body scan is that physical sensations are tied to emotional states. You may not even realise that stress and other emotions, such as anger or sadness, cause physical symptoms like tightness in your chest, headaches, and heartburn. Try to take an accepting attitude towards your body and the sensations you feel.

Listen to and follow the UNITy Body Scan (11.5 minutes). You can practise this body scan as many times as you like.


In your journal, spend a few minutes reflecting on the following prompts:

  1. What thoughts came up during the body scan exercise? Were there any thoughts specifically tied to a certain part of your body?

  2. How did the body scan exercise change the way your body felt?

  3. Why is your intention important to you? Has it changed at all over the past day?