7-day UNITy Psychedelic Integration Course

Providing you with some basic tools to integrate your recent DMT experience.

DMT can occasion a variety of intense experiences. Sometimes these might feel positive, enjoyable and exciting. However, psychedelic experiences can also be challenging, confusing, and destabilising, as they can catalyse radical changes, in both immediate states of consciousness and lasting aspects of life. 

Just as the acute psychedelic state can vary dramatically between individuals, so can the post-psychedelic period. Some people might feel as though they have ‘changed’ in some way after taking a psychedelic experience, and this change can sometimes be difficult - we often view the unfamiliar as threatening and might try to avoid it. It’s important that you support yourself by being patient and gentle with your process of change, while also remaining accountable and committed to your transformation. 

What is Psychedelic Integration?

Psychedelic integration is the process by which a psychedelic experience translates into positive changes in daily life. Integration can help ensure that any changes resulting from a psychedelic experience happen as beneficially, sustainably, and smoothly as possible and that risks associated with use are minimised. Integration can last for days, weeks, years or a lifetime depending on what was uncovered. 

Integration can help you to weave the discoveries you made during your DMT experience into your daily life. This involves identifying the ideas, visions or experiences that emerged in your journey (e.g., images, sensations, mantras) and bringing them into your daily awareness. Without integration, the journey can fade like a dream or cause discomfort, no matter how profound the experience is. Take this opportunity to work with yourself and support the process in an ongoing way. 

You can find days 1-7 of the UNITy Integration Course below:

How does this 7-day UNITy Psychedelic Integration Course work?

For the next 7 days, we will provide you with some practices and journal prompts (reflections) that you might find useful in your integration process. 

  • Practices - We’ll provide you with a daily practice for you to engage with in your own time (e.g., drawing task, guided meditation, breathwork exercise, body scan etc.). These will usually take between 10-30 minutes to complete.

  • Reflections - Reflecting on your journey through writing allows you to document and remember your experience and can help you to integrate in the days/weeks/months that follow. You can start by creating a journey log, noting down everything that happened from thoughts to visions to physical sensations you’ve had. We will provide you with daily journal prompts that we encourage you to complete. We suggest spending around 20 minutes on these reflections.

Where can I find additional tools?

  • There are certain mental and physical ‘tools’ that you can use for grounding if you start to feel anxious or unsettled in the days/weeks/months following your DMT experience. We’ve provided some of these in the ‘Integration Toolbox’ - feel free to have a look through these exercise and see which ones work best for you. We encourage you to try these out in your own time and you can come back to these whenever you like.